Entries in families (57)


9 days old. 

just a fresh little emerson babe....the best kind. now she's a giant. this baby girl is my special little friend. 



november, please stay. 

I love this time of year....I know I know. everyone does (hey, we have stuff in common!). november is just so stinkin' joyful. I love seeing posts about the little things people are thankful for. there's always something! 

...and now, the good stuff. huggin' and laughin' and squeezin' and kissin' (is that a song?).

you don't NEED pictures of your family to be thankful for them, but isn't it fun?:)   


the lock family 

this family is growing growing, and it's so great to have them around! I'm grateful for jeni's friendship and the hilarity/wittiness of her boys. I'm rather sure she is often entertained:)