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all things good.

I don't know much, but I know that I really like my family, my friends, being outside, making/drinking smoothies, snugglin' my pups, creating images......oh, and roads....tree lined roads, open roads, sunny roads, dirt roads...I really like roads. 

I also know that focusing on what I have is much more fulfilling/rewarding/important/real than focusing on what I don't have. 2012 was HARD. hard. I was challenged in ways that I didn't see coming or even know existed. how specifically doesn't even matter....we all have stuff. lots and lots of stuff. what does matter is that I still have so much. there is so much GOOD in my life.....so many simple pleasures, and I did not do one single thing to deserve them. the least I can do is be thankful for what I have and to enjoy the life that is mine for one more day. TODAY. 

(thoughts inspired by revisiting this post)

 ps- I'm on instagram! for more daily photos/happenings, follow me here! @torreyru (http://instagram.com/torreyru)

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